Welcome To My Michael Jackson site

About My Michael Jackson SIte

Hi my name is Amanda Rich and Michael Jackson is my insperation so i wanted to make a website to honour of the King Of Pop!!!!!

My Site !!!!!!!!
Well my site is obviously about Michael Jackson he was born in Gary, Indiana in 1958 and from the age of 5 he was the lead member in the famly band 'the jackson 5' and since that age he has wow'ed millions of people of all ages, races, and religions all accross the world. So i though cos i probebly wont ever be able to meet Michael Jackson in person and tell him how i feel so i thought id start this site because he is my insperation and i have the upmort respect for him !!!!!!!

Friends !!!!!
OK well my friends are the most important thing in the world to me and no matter what happens,that will always be true so to all my freinds thank you !!!!!

To Contact Me !!!!

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